I am experienced in designing websites using ASP.NET, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. I possess front-end (HTML, CSS, JS, Photoshop) and back-end (SQL, MVC, C#, VB.NET) skill sets that can be used to build modern, interactive web experiences.
My back-end development experience includes, but is not limited to, working with ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Webforms, C#, VB.NET, and interfacing with SQL databases, Active Directory accounts, and web services.
Below you will find screenshots from the web projects that I have worked on. To inquire about web development services, please contact me.
Front-End Gallery
- Click on the < or > buttons to view different screenshots.
- Click on the "Before/After" button to switch between the before and after image for each page.
Back-End Development
Renegade Squirrel
I started a SAAS company providing a voter data management system to down ballot campaigns across North Carolina. The entire system is built from the ground-up, including data import tools using C# .NET, data layer using SQL Server, and client application using ASP.NET MVC / Razor. This screenshot shows one of the reports added to the system. This Campaign Results Summary report runs code in the Controller to query and calculate aggregated progress data for a campaign.
The Custom Questions feature allows campaigns to add up to three additonal questions to their Make Calls phone banking screens, printed lists, etc. The questions are set by Tier and List Type, allowing campaigns to have different questions for each targeted group of voters they are doing outreach towards. On the front-end AJAX calls are used to send data back to the Controller, which then queries the database/Model and then sends results back in JSON format.
Aeroflow Breastpumps
This site uses a heavily-customised Magento back end. Custom PHP and native JavaScript was used to handle numerous customizations, promotional versions of each page, and custom functionality that allows users to purchase products using health insurance and other alternative options.
Back-end logic was used across the site to determine which breastpumps or other supplies were eligible to be purchases through insurance or other means. Eligibility was set in groups depending on which insurance plans users had.
JavaScript / jQuery
Renegade Squirrel - Voter Search
Using AJAX events and JS listeners, campaign users can use Renegade Squirrel to search for voters as they are typing into the Search Voters box.
HS-BCP Search
On this page I used JavaScript to enhance the experience of using an otherwise average search form. While the typical drop-down form elements are still here, I am using a jQuery vector map to allow users to select a state using a visual depiction of the United States. The states change color when users hover over them, and clicking on a state will trigger a search with that state added to the search criteria.
Other JavaScript used on this page includes jTable, which is fed a JSON array of objects from the back-end code as defined in an MVC Model. AJAX and jQuery are also used to format the data & otherwise aid in the back-end processes.
Elyse Dashew for School Board
I installed, configured, and customized the theme on this WordPress site. Custom CSS and JavaScript was added to create a randomized banner image and other visual improvements.
Photoshop / Graphics
In addition to my front-end and back-end web development skills, I can create web page mock-ups, simple logos, and other graphics using Adobe Photoshop. I have experience working with Photoshop versions 7, CS4, and CS7.
Email Marketing
Through my professional experience, I have successfully managed mass email campaigns that were sent to over 50,000 recipients.
I have used the following email marketing systems:
I also have corporate experience using Microsoft Outlook and Lotus Notes.